Goldman Sachs Clean Energy Income Fund
Goldman Sachs Clean Energy Income P (GCEPX)
Open-end mutual fund
Tobacco grade: No holdings flagged for our tobacco screens. Assigned a grade of A.
How we track tobacco investments
How we track tobacco investments
Tobacco producers
that produce or manufacture tobacco products
Tobacco-promoting entertainment companies
that show smoking in movies marketed to kids
holdings flagged
of assets flagged
Tobacco companies
0 holdings
0% of assets
$0 invested
Tobacco-promoting entertainment companies
0 holdings
0% of assets
$0 invested
Why entertainment companies?
“R”-rating future movies with smoking will prevent one million tobacco deaths in this generation of U.S. kids. Hollywood studios and their parent companies, the nation’s best-known entertainment companies, are well aware of the public health risk, but continue to intentionally expose millions of kids.
Tell Hollywood to rate smoking “R”
Join our call to eliminate smoking from youth-rated movies
Take actionThis fund contains
0 investments in tobacco producers and tobacco-promoting entertainment companies
Tobacco companies
0 holdings
Tobacco-promoting entertainment companies
0 holdings
Are entertainment companies rated the same as tobacco companies?
No - tobacco companies bear greater responsibility to the tobacco epidemic, and our grading methodology reflects this. However, the scientific consensus is that tobacco depictions in movies cause kids to begin smoking. Public health impacts can damage a company’s reputation and brand value, decreasing long-term shareholder value. Asset managers should be engaging entertainment companies by signing investor letters, supporting shareholder resolutions, or otherwise pressing entertainment companies to remove smoking from youth-rated movies.

Sustainability report card
As You Sow’s Invest Your Values report card grades mutual funds on environmental and social issues, including climate change, gender equality, and weapon investments. Click through to get more details on each issue.
Goldman Sachs Clean Energy Income Fund GCEPX
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See how mutual funds and ETFs are rated on issues ranging from fossil fuels, to deforestation, gender equality, guns, prisons, weapons, and tobacco
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As You Sow is not an investment adviser as that term is defined under federal and state (California) laws and regulations. As You Sow is a tax-exempt, nonprofit organization dedicated to educating and empowering shareholders to change corporations for the good through the collection, analysis and dissemination of relevant information to the public, free of charge. As You Sow does not provide financial planning, legal or tax advice. Nothing on this website shall constitute or be construed as an offering of financial instruments, or as investment advice or investment recommendations.
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